Apprentice Name: Sherman Partap
Industry: Medical
Town: Goffstown
Place of Employment: Catholic Medical Center
Community College Name: Manchester Community College
What were you doing before you became an apprentice?
Sherman: Growing up as a child, I wanted to be a doctor, but my life took a different path when I joined the Air Force. I spent 25 years in the military and in the technology industry as a government contractor and I needed a change. At 50 years old, I wanted my next 20 years of work to make a difference and to be something that I am passionate about. COVID changed everything and resurfaced my desire to get into the medical field. I’ve always had compassion for helping people and saw that there was a need for healthcare workers.
How did you hear about the apprenticeship opportunity and what made it seem like a good fit for you?
Sherman: I came across the ApprenticeshipNH program by accident as I was searching for opportunities on the NH Employment Security website. The program sounded interesting, so I decided to pursue it.
How long is your apprenticeship, and how far along are you right now?
Sherman: My apprenticeship program was six weeks total and I graduated in April before starting a permanent position as a licensed nursing assistant (LNA) at Catholic Medical Center (CMS) in May.
What has been the best part of your experience as an apprentice so far?
Sherman: I really enjoyed the clinicals and learning about the theory behind it. It was a great experience for me to take what I learned at MCC and put that into practice with hands-on experiences at CMC. I love working with the patients and always tried to connect with them through my own experiences. Four years ago, I was pre-diabetic and had to make some serious choices for a better life. I was able to make some changes and reverse the symptoms. I tell this to my patients to be an example of how to dig down deep within yourself to find the will to get better.
Were there mentorship opportunities during the apprenticeship?
Sherman: During the clinicals, I would find one person that I could learn from. Now that I have graduated and in a permanent position at CMC, I do have a mentor that I work with.
What are some of the biggest ways you feel your apprenticeship has impacted you?
Sherman: I wouldn’t be where I am right now if it wasn’t for ApprenticeshipNH and getting the opportunity to go into this field from off the street. It’s an extremely valuable program and it has allowed me to get my foot in the door. I am continuing my education and planning to attend MCC in the spring in the nursing program towards becoming a registered nurse.
How is this apprenticeship different from other job experiences you have had?
Sherman: The medical field is hard work. But I’m now in a position of being able to grasp medical terms and use them in my practice. This is different for me as when I was in the technology field, it came naturally to me.