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CCSNH’s ApprenticeshipNH Connects Regionally with Stakeholders on Workforce Solutions

Concord, N.H. (June 2, 2023) – The events brought employers in multiple sectors together with regional community partners to discuss how the new Hub model can support launching or expanding a Registered Apprenticeship program (RAP) to help fill critical workforce needs and provide opportunities in high demand industries. More than 150 stakeholders came together at Manchester Community College, White Mountains Community College in Berlin, Great Bay Community College in Portsmouth and River Valley Community College’s Lebanon campus to discuss using RAPs as a workforce solution.

“The regional Hub connector events were extremely successful and the impactful dialogue demonstrated that there was great interest in exploring all models that can address wide-ranging workforce needs,” said Anne Banks, CCSNH Apprenticeship Programs Manager. “The stakeholders who attended these events depicted what the Apprenticeship Hub model is all about – uniting industry, community organizations, education, and state agencies. The collaboration among stakeholders will help expand the infrastructure of Registered Apprenticeship pathways to fill critical workforce demands and provide career opportunities within New Hampshire.”

ApprenticeshipNH, through the support of U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) grants, is enhancing statewide apprenticeship resources and networks by establishing four Regional Apprenticeship Hubs that align with the geographic locations of New Hampshire’s community colleges. The Regional Hub model supports a coordinated, national investment strategy that aims to strengthen and modernize the USDOL’s Registered Apprenticeship system and promotes RAPs as a workforce solution. ApprenticeshipNH will serve as an intermediary within each Hub to provide technical assistance and financial support for the development of apprenticeship programs across a spectrum of sectors and occupations. This includes New Hampshire’s in-demand industries of construction, education/childcare, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, technology and transportation/logistics.

At the events, stakeholders learned about the success of RAPs from Employer Champions who have implemented programs at The Elliot, Catholic Medical Center, Merchants Fleet and White Mountain Paper.

“In the partnership between Merchants Fleet, ApprenticeNH, and the NH Community College system, our Registered Apprenticeship program has proven to be the driving force behind cultivating a new generation of automotive technicians,” said Joe Wentworth, Merchants Fleet Senior Learning and Development Specialist. “Through hands-on experience and expert guidance, we’ve witnessed the transformative power of learning and practice, as our apprentices harness their potential and emerge as skilled professionals. Together, we pave the road to success, empowering these apprentices to navigate the complex automotive landscape with confidence, dedication, and the know-how to keep our engines running smoothly. Our registered apprenticeship program not only builds careers but fuels the engine of progress, accelerating the automotive industry towards a brighter future.”

Community partners spoke of their ability to provide support and a talent pipeline of individuals looking for career pathways with New Hampshire employers.

”Southern New Hampshire Services (SNHS) WIOA Adult team has experienced tremendous success through our collaboration with the Community College System of NH’s ApprenticeshipNH team,” said Michelle Hart, WIOA Program Manager. “We are delighted to witness the development of numerous apprenticeship opportunities across various sectors of New Hampshire’s economy.  These valuable apprenticeship programs have been seamlessly integrated into the menu of training options available to our WIOA Adult participants. Through our partnership, we have been able to provide comprehensive support to many co-enrolled participants, empowering them to embark on successful pathways toward their goals. The continued collaboration between the WIOA Adult program and the Apprenticeship NH team holds great promise for further successes, and we look forward to building upon our achievements in.”

Through the support of federal grants from the US Department of Labor, ApprenticeshipNH is able to award funds to expand RAP and Pre-Apprenticeship pathways and opportunities across the state. Through this four-year effort, CCSNH seeks to engage at least 50 to 100 employers and enroll 500 to 700 participants in RAPs, as well as develop 32 new Pre-Apprenticeship programs while expanding 60 existing Pre-Apprenticeships. Underscoring this work is the promotion of greater inclusion, equity, diversity and access to these workforce solutions with a commitment to increased cultural awareness from employers and greater inclusion of underserved populations.

ApprenticeshipNH was established in 2017 and is funded by grants from the U.S. Department of Labor to assist employers building registered apprenticeships, pre-apprentice and high school programs in high-demand sectors including healthcare, technology, manufacturing, construction, hospitality, transportation/logistics, and education/ childcare. ApprenticeshipNH has a history of assisting New Hampshire employers with Registered Apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships and programs with high school students as proven recruitment strategies. Participating employers have experienced increased productivity, boosted employee retention, improved company culture and an ensured knowledge transfer when filling retiring positions with qualified, skilled workers. To date, 700 individuals and 63 companies have benefitted from the program.  Visit for more information.

The total funding of the ApprenticeshipNH initiative is $10.6 million with 99 percent funded through the following U.S. Department of Labor – Employment and Training Administration grants in the amounts indicated: Apprenticeship State Expansion (ASE) Grant, $1.35 million, State Apprenticeship Expansion 2020 (SAE2020) Grant, $3.45 million, and Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) Grant, $5.8 million. Additional support of less than 1 percent is provided by third party scholarship grants for programs developed through the ASE grant.


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