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New Apprenticeship Program With EPTAM Plastics and Lakes Region CC

Eptam Plastics Manufacturing

EPTAM Plastics Apprentices to be Trained as CNC Machinists at Lakes Region Community College

Local companies are taking advantage of a program that enables employees to gain new skills through on-the-job training and classroom experience.

Northfield, New Hampshire-based EPTAM Plastics recently partnered with Lakes Region Community College (LRCC) and the Community College System of New Hampshire’s ApprenticeshipNH. The partnership will create Registered Apprenticeship opportunities for individuals to pursue more advanced, alternative career options.

The high-precision plastic machining and advanced manufacturing company targets demanding applications. The partnership with ApprenticeshipNH and LRCC will provide individuals with the opportunity to be trained as CNC machinists.

“This new partnership with EPTAM Plastics, ApprenticeshipNH and LRCC are helping address EPTAM’s current workforce shortage. EPTAM is first offering the opportunity to its current employees, demonstrating a dedication to its existing workforce to move into higher level positions. As a result, this will create new opportunities for individuals to fill the resulting vacant positions,” said Emily Zeien, grant manager for ApprenticeshipNH.

The program includes a required 296 hours of classroom instruction. The training will be completed at EPTAM facilities and taught by EPTAM employees who have been hired as adjunct faculty at Lakes Region Community College. The program also includes 3,000 hours of on-the-job training.

“All of the EPTAM employees in this program will be eligible to receive college credit that is transferable towards a Certificate in Advanced Manufacturing at Lakes Region Community College,” said Larissa Baia, interim president at Lakes Region Community College. “The college is proud to be able to partner with area employers to provide a viable career and education pathway for NH residents.”

Apprentices participating in the program will be paid a progressively increasing schedule of wages. This increase is based on a percentage or dollar amount of the current hourly journey worker wage rate.

Increasing schedule of wages:

  • $12/hr for the first 1,000 hours
  • $13/hr for the second 1,000 hours
  • $14/hr for the third 1,000 hours

Interested in learning more about this new partnership? Contact ApprenticeshipNH.

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