About the ApprenticeshipNH program

The Community College System of NH (CCSNH), through funding from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration and the American Association of Community Colleges, is leading efforts to enhance Registered Apprenticeship opportunities within the advanced manufacturing, automotive technology, biomedical technology, business/finance, construction/infrastructure, healthcare, hospitality and information technology sectors. These grants support the development of new Registered Apprenticeship opportunities, provide funding for related instruction at New Hampshire’s community colleges, and support outreach to employers who wish to expand work-based learning at their sites.

Services will be coordinated with the WorkReadyNH program offered at New Hampshire’s community colleges, designed to help individuals build the soft skills employers identify as necessary for workplace success.

The five components of Registered Apprenticeship

The US Department of Labor views apprenticeship as having five equally important components:

  1. Business involvement
    Employers are the foundation of every Registered Apprenticeship. Programs are designed based upon employer’s strengths and needs. As employees of the company from day one, apprentices quickly become a piece of a company’s culture as they learn the structure, tasks, and policies of the business.
  2. Structured on-the-job training
    Through the support of a mentor, apprentices learn skills through hands-on, relevant work taking place on site at the business.
  3. Related instruction
    Technical instruction, provided through the Community College System of NH, that is directly connected to the skills necessary for success in the occupation.
  4. Rewards for skill gains
    Apprentices receive wage increases in parallel with new/improved skills and/or meeting predetermined milestones.
  5. National credential
    Upon completion, apprentices receive a nationally-recognized credential