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Catholic Medical Center LNA Apprentices Achieve Program Milestone

Catholic Medical Center (CMC), thanks to a partnership with Manchester Community College (MCC) and the ApprenticeshipNH Program, is celebrating a milestone for the seven LNA apprentices who started their training and employment with the company in March of this year. After participating in five weeks of full-time instruction at MCC, the LNA apprentices completed their state Board of Nursing exams on April 19. All apprentices passed their state exams and will now move on to complete 2,000 hours of full-time, paid on-the-job training at the hospital, with each apprentice assigned a mentor by CMC who will work with and guide the apprentice as they begin their new healthcare career. Please join us in congratulating this cohort of LNA apprentices: Meghan Root, Christina McAuliffe, Amy Dalaker, Fritzline Reveil, Amie Lightfoot, Samantha Hagood, and Sherman Partap.

CMC has found great success in using the registered apprenticeship model to hire, train, and retain skilled workers. Since launching their apprenticeship programs for LNA and medical assisting in 2018, the company has hired and trained over 50 apprentices to work in the hospital and/or outpatient practices. Registered apprenticeship programs are a win-win for both employers and jobseekers – employers benefit from a workforce equipped with the skills they need to serve patients, and the jobseekers who become apprentices benefit from the “earn and learn” model that provides immediate employment and pay increases while apprentices learn and develop skills in a high-demand field like healthcare.

Manchester Community College’s workforce development center worked closely with CMC to develop customized, front-loaded training programs that help apprentices upskill and get to work quickly.  The ApprenticeshipNH Program, a grant-funded initiative housed at the Community College System of NH (CCSNH), helped CMC build and register the apprenticeship program. To learn more about building a registered apprenticeship program for your company, please contact Jeff Casey, Business Outreach Specialist at

About ApprenticeshipNH
The ApprenticeshipNH Program, housed at the Community College System of New Hampshire, is a unique effort that prepares workers as Registered Apprentices to better compete in the modern workforce. For more information, visit

The total funding of the ApprenticeshipNH initiative is $7.29 million with 99% funded through the following US Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration Grants at the dollar amounts indicated: Apprenticeship State Expansion (ASE) Grant-$1.35 million, State Apprenticeship Expansion (SAE) Grant- $2.05 million, American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Grant- $450,000, State Apprenticeship Expansion 2020 (SAE2020) Grant- $3.45 million. Additional scholarship support of less than 1% is provided by 3rd party scholarship grants for programs developed through the ASE and SAE grants.

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