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Apprenticeship Spotlight: Lindsey, Catholic Medical Center

Lindsey Slauter

Apprentice Name: Lindsey Slauter
Industry: Healthcare
Town: Manchester, NH
Place of Employment: Catholic Medical Center
Community College Name: Manchester Community College

What were you doing before you became an apprentice? Did you have any ideas about career paths you would like to pursue?
I was in retail since I was 18 years old and at a job that I started to hate. I didn’t want to get up and go to work, and I needed a career where I could grow and learn every day. I always wanted to be in the healthcare field. My mom has been an RN since I was 15 and my brother is an EMT. I had a traumatic birth a couple years ago which really cemented my desire to help others feel safe, calm, loved and cared for.

How did you hear about the apprenticeship opportunity and what made it seem like a good fit for you?
While job searching on Indeed, I came across the ApprenticeshipNH program for LNAs. This was my shot at something that I have a passion for. I wrote the essay, filled out my application and crossed my fingers. I hoped that whatever I had on paper showed my heart and what I really want to do with my life. I had goosebumps the whole time writing it because this was what I really wanted to do.

What has been the best part of your experience as an apprentice so far?
I really enjoyed the clinical rotation and working with patients. My patients really enjoy me and say I go in there with a different demeanor. That makes me happy because I know what I want in a caregiver and what I would not want in a hospital whether I’m sick, critically ill or coming through a surgery or a life-changing event.

What has been your favorite moment so far in your apprenticeship experience?
I had an older patient, who has now passed, and I was one of a few people that could really make her smile. It is hard when they are in the hospital alone and have a special bond with their caretakers. In some of her final moments, I was able to hold her hands and be there, which was very special.

Do you have any advice for someone who is thinking about doing an apprenticeship or going into the healthcare field?
This has been my greatest accomplishment in life besides my three children. I’ve jumped into it with both feet. I was a little nervous in the beginning and I was afraid that I was going to fail. If it’s something that you really have a passion for and a heart for, please do it because we need you. If you love people and you want them to feel loved and cared for, please join me. This is my dream. This is where I’m supposed to be and without this apprenticeship, I wouldn’t have been able to do it.

What kind of doors has this apprenticeship opened for you in this career field?
I don’t have to continue as just an LNA. I can go from an LNA to an LPN or an RN if I want, so I can continue to learn and grow. My experience over the last six months has allowed me to float to different units to help and learn new skills. I’m now headed down a career path and I really love it.

What area of healthcare are you most interested in and why?
I have a passion for babies and have always wanted to go into labor and delivery. I helped deliver my best friend’s baby 12 years ago. Being in that situation and helping bring that baby into the world was an adrenaline rush. It is the coolest thing that I have done with my life, besides having my own children. Being in that moment of helping that baby come into the world was awesome.

What are some of your career goals in the future?
For the next six months to a year and a half, I’m going to give myself some time to really set my feet into being an LNA and make sure I’m very competent for this position before I decide to go to the next level, which is probably LPN or RN. I am thinking about taking some prerequisites for the nursing program so when I’m ready to be an RN I will have those under my belt.

What did this apprenticeship mean to you?
I am more than grateful. I tell everybody about it and tell them if they get a chance to do an apprenticeship, especially with CMC, do it because it was a blessing that I needed. It jump-started me to really know that this is where I am supposed to be. Because of the apprenticeship, I get to work my dream job and without it, I wouldn’t be able to. I am blessed and it’s very emotional for me to know that I am actually able to do what I was meant to do, what I was born to do, which is helping people.

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