Past Opportunities

Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) Apprenticeship: FILLED

Catholic Medical Center Medical Assistant Apprenticeship

Employer: Catholic Medical Center, Manchester NH

About the LNA Apprenticeship:

  • Participants in the apprenticeship are full-time, benefited CMC employees from the start of the program.
  • Receive 100% of their tuition paid by CMC, and eligible for additional grant funding for support services like transportation, supplies, etc.
  • Receive pay increases as they meet milestones throughout the program.
  • Completion of the apprenticeship earns participants a National Occupational Credential through the Department of Labor

The program consists of:

  • 5 weeks of full-time classroom instruction at MCC including 60 hours of WorkReadyNH soft skills training, 60 hours of online theory, 24 hours of lab work, plus 60 hours of clinical practicum and CMC and a long-term care facility.
  • At completion, students will be able to sit for the state certification exam and submit their LNA license application to the NH Board of Nursing.
  • The training program will prepare candidates to practice as nursing assistants in a full-time position, providing direct patient care at a CMC facility.
  • Completion of 2,000 on-the-job training hours with a mentor.

Classes start:  N/A – FILLED