ApprenticeshipNH Near You

East Central Hub

The Community College System of NH and ApprenticeshipNH are taking steps to meet the needs of East Central NH’s thriving industry through Registered Apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs. Key industry sectors in the region include healthcare, hospitality and manufacturing. ApprenticeshipNH is seeing growth in registered apprenticeships in automotive, construction, IT, and education. The colleges at the center of the East Central Hub are NHTI-Concord’s Community College, Lakes Region Community College and Great Bay Community College.


Registered Apprenticeship programs


Active apprentices

Regional Business Partners

High School Partnerships

These eastern region high schools make the ApprenticeshipNH High School Program possible.

Raymond High School
Sanborn Regional HS
Seacoast School of Technology
Winnacunnet High School
Winnisquam Regional High School
Somersworth CTE
Franklin High School

Concord Regional Tech Center
Creteau Regional Technology Center (Rochester)
Dover Regional Career Tech Center
J Oliva Huot Center, Laconia
Lakes Region Tech. Center (Kingswood)
Portsmouth CTE, Portsmouth
Prospect Mountain High School

Community Partners

East Central Region Team

Steve Tucker

Steve Tucker

LRCC Adult Education Coordinator-Career & Technical

Meredyth Kjellander

Resource Navigator

Dawn Knorr

Program Specialist

Lynn Szymanski

GBCC Corporate Training Manager

Statewide Team

Anne Banks

Apprenticeship Program Manager

Karyn Yeatman

SAEF Grant Manager

Kristen Carlson

Apprenticeship Program Assistant

Wynn Young

U.S. Department of Labor, NH Office of Apprenticeship State Director

Brianna Hayward

ABA Grant Manager

Want to become an apprentice, start a program or get involved in the East Central Hub?